Our Company

SLR Art Advisory & Consulting

There are numerous regulations regarding cultural heritage, which are constantly evolving and difficult to interpret. The correct interpretation of a regulation and its related compliance requirements is crucial to avoid problems, penalties, costs, and liabilities.

Art Advisory & Consulting, with its legal and administrative consulting services for cultural heritage, intervenes to prevent, assist, and support those who deal with cultural heritage regulations.

Art Services


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Art Advisory

Consulting Services for Art Evaluation, Purchase, and Sale

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Collection Care

Consulting and Organization Services for Artwork Preservation, Conservation, and Restoration

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Heritage Protection

Legal and Financial Consulting Services for Artistic Heritage Preservation

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Wealth planning

Services for Wealth Planning: Private Investment and Business Care

Why Choose Us?


Artistic Competence
A solid knowledge and expertise in the field of art, with experts in various art forms, styles, movements, and historical periods. This allows the company to provide high-level consultancy and advice to clients.
Network of Contacts
A wide network of contacts within the art industry, including gallerists, artists, collectors, museums, and other key figures. These contacts can be leveraged to obtain exclusive opportunities, access high-quality artworks, and facilitate transactions and partnerships.
Market Analysis
The ability to analyze and monitor the art market, including emerging trends, rising artists, and investment opportunities. This allows the company to provide informed consultancy on artwork valuation and buying or selling opportunities.
Valuation and Authentication
Expertise in artwork valuation and authentication, with a strong understanding of the factors that influence the value of an artwork and authentication techniques. This helps clients make informed decisions regarding the purchase, sale, or management of their collections.
Customized Consultancy
The ability to provide personalized consultancy based on clients' needs and desires. This can include sourcing specific artworks, curating exhibitions, managing and expanding existing collections, and providing advice on investments in the art sector.
Integrity and Transparency
An ethical and transparent approach in conducting business activities. This includes managing conflicts of interest, disclosing commissions and fees, as well as adhering to professional ethical standards in the art industry.
Technological Innovation
Utilizing innovative tools and technologies to enhance access to artworks, streamline transactions, and improve the overall customer experience.
Confidentiality and Security
Commitment to the confidentiality and security of clients and sensitive information. This includes protecting personal data, insuring artworks, and implementing physical and electronic security measures.
Track Record and Reputation
A proven track record and excellent reputation in the Art Advisory industry, demonstrated by testimonials from satisfied clients, positive reviews, and collaborations with notable art institutions.
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We have the ability to provide a full-service experience that covers all aspects of art acquisition and management, including research, purchase, logistics, insurance, conservation, and sale.
slr advisory

Dove siamo

Girona (Spagna)


+34 663 613651



Uffici di rappresentanza

Firenze (Italia)


+39 347 8572315

slr advisory

Where we are

Girona (Spain)


+34 663 613651



Representative offices

Firenze (Italy)


+39 347 8572315